Docker Stacks with Databases

Jun 01, 2019

Connecting your Python App to a Database

All without installing a thing! Besides docker, of course! When I was first starting getting with docker I had SO MUCH trouble figuring out the connection strings. Once I got it sorted I wrote myself up a series of templates I could refer to. 

There's no real purpose to this post. I just wanted to have all the related templates in one place.

Python + MySQL

Spin up a MySQL and connect to it with python! Read the blog post.

Python + Postgres

If you want performance go for PostgresSQL and python. Read the blog post.

Python + MongoDB

I love MongoDB! It feels like CODE. Read the blog post. 

Python + Redis

If you’re looking for a fantastically fast datastore than simply fire up a Redis datastore ! You can check out the entire blog post here.


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